Australia’s Driving Law

Australia’s Driving Law

If you’re planning on driving in Australia, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the local driving laws. In this blog, we’ll cover everything you need to know about driving in Australia, from obtaining a license to obeying road rules. Whether you’re a tourist or a resident, this blog will help ensure that you have a safe and enjoyable experience behind the wheel.

Australia’s Driving Law

In Australia we drive on the left

In Australia, we drive on the left. This is because cars and other vehicles are typically driven on the right side of the road in Australia. However, there are some basic exceptions to this rule. For example, when driving in Australia, you may find that some roads are not wide enough to accommodate two vehicles driving side by side. In these cases, you will need to yield to oncoming traffic and drive on the left.

Distance is measured in kilometres not miles

Distance in Australia is measured in kilometres, not miles. This can be confusing for drivers from other countries, as Australia is the only country in the world where this is the case. The exception is when driving on highways, where speed is measured in kilometres per hour. However, this is the only exception and for the most part, Australia uses the metric system.

Fasten your seat belt, don’t touch your phone, and don’t drink drive!

In Australia, it is compulsory to wear a seat belt when driving, and using a mobile phone is not allowed unless hands-free. Drivers are also not allowed to drink drive – the blood alcohol concentration limit is 0.05%. If pulled over by the police, drivers must apply for a breath test.

Park in line with traffic

When parking your car in Australia, it is important to park on the side of the road that has traffic flowing in the same direction as you. This is a basic driving rule that helps to keep drivers and passengers safe. If you are driving in Australia, be sure to take note of which side of the road cars are supposed to park on so that you can avoid any accidents.

 Performing a Hook Turn in Melbourne

A hook turn is a special way of turning right at an intersection in Melbourne. To do a hook turn, first drive into the left lane and stop before the tram tracks. Then carefully pull forward so that your car is almost perpendicular to the road. Be careful not to hit any oncoming traffic. Finally, turn your wheel sharply to the right and drive out of the intersection.

Hook turns can be dangerous if you’re not careful. Make sure you know how to do one before you try it in Melbourne traffic!

Driving Law in Australia

Drive slow, and drive safe

Drive slowly and safely in Australia. The website has a lot of information about driving in Australia, including road safety tips and car rental information. Australian state governments also provide transport information websites, such as the Victorian Transport website.

Is it illegal driving barefoot ?

Is it illegal to drive barefoot in Australia? The law requires that you wear shoes while operating a vehicle, but the police will not typically pull you over for driving without shoes. However, if you are involved in an accident, not wearing shoes could be considered a contributing factor and you may be ticketed.

Is it illegal to drive with the interior light on?

There is no specific law in Australia that states it is illegal to drive with the interior light on in your car. However, if you are pulled over by police for another reason and they notice your interior light is on, they may give you a warning or fine for having an unsecured load.

Is honking your horn illegal?

Honking your horn is illegal in Australia. The penalty for doing so can be a fine of up to $100. This applies to all roads in Australia, including those in Australian territories. The only exception is if you are driving a vehicle with an air horn, which is legal.

Is it illegal to eat while driving?

In Australia, it is illegal to eat while driving. This law is in place to ensure that drivers are focused on the road and not distracted by other activities. Eating while driving can be a dangerous distraction, and it is important to follow the law to help keep the roads safe.

Is it illegal leaving keys in the car?

Yes, it is illegal to leave keys in the car. If you do so, you’re leaving your car vulnerable to theft. When you leave your car, make sure to take your keys with you and lock the doors.

Is it illegal driving with a dog on my lap?

There is no specific law in Australia that prohibits driving with a dog on your lap, however it is generally considered to be dangerous and is not recommended. If you are involved in an accident while driving with a dog on your lap, you may be liable if it is found to be a contributing factor. It is also worth noting that many car insurance policies will not cover you if you have an accident while driving with an animal on your lap.

Can I use my phone to pay in a drive-through in Australia?

Yes, you can use your phone to pay in a drive-through in Australia. The law applies to all drivers, so you can use your phone to pay regardless of who is driving the vehicle.

Is it illegal speeding up when being overtaken?

There is no specific law in Australia that prohibits speeding up when being overtaken, however it is generally considered to be an irresponsible and dangerous driving manoeuvre. If a driver is caught speeding up while being overtaken by another vehicle, they may be issued a penalty by the police. In Victoria, the penalties for speeding start at $148 for exceeding the speed limit by less than 10km/h and increase incrementally for each additional km/h over the limit.

Can you move a construction barrier to free up a car space?

In Australia, it is against the law to move a construction barrier in order to free up a car space. This is because it can pose a serious safety risk to other road users. If you are caught doing this, you may face a fine from the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads.

Can mopeds travel in the bike lane?

Mopeds are two-wheeled vehicles with an engine size of no more than 50cc. In Queensland, they are classified as motorcycles and are allowed to travel in the bike lane. The speed limit for mopeds is 30km/h, which is the same as the speed limit for bicycles.

Can the driver stop in the bike box?

In Queensland, Australia, drivers of motor vehicles are not permitted to stop in a bike box. Doing so would block the flow of traffic and cause a hazard for other road users. If a driver needs to stop for any reason, they must do so outside of the bike box.

What’s a safe distance?

It is generally accepted that a safe distance between two cars on the road is around 1-2 seconds. This means that if the car in front of you speeds up or slows down, you will have enough time to react accordingly. Of course, this also depends on your own driving skills and abilities.

In Queensland, Australia, the minimum following distance for cars travelling at 60km/h or less is 1 second. For every 10km/h over 60km/h, you should add an additional second to maintain a safe following distance.

What is the minimum passing distance when overtaking a cyclist?

The minimum passing distance when overtaking a cyclist in Queensland is one metre. This applies when the speed limit is 60km/h or less. If the speed limit is greater than 60km/h, the minimum passing distance increases to 1.5 metres. These rules apply to drivers of all vehicles, including cars, trucks and motorcycles.

Can a seven-year-old be in a motorcycle side car?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on a number of factors, including the specific laws in the state or territory where the motorcycle is being driven. In Queensland, for example, car passengers must be at least 8 years old and must wear a seatbelt. However, it is always best to check with your local authorities before putting a child in a sidecar.

When is Too Old to Drive?

There is no definitive answer to the question of when is too old to drive. It is generally accepted, however, that as people age their reflexes and reaction times slow down, making them less capable drivers. In Australia, each state and territory has its own laws regarding driver licensing, but most require drivers to be at least 18 years old. In Queensland and Victoria, the limit is 21 years old. In the Northern Territory, drivers must be 25 years old.

Can you drive in Australia with a NZ license?

Yes, you can drive in Australia with a NZ license. You can also drive a car in Australian with a valid driver’s license from any Australian state or territory government. However, you may require an International Driving Permit (IDP) to drive in Victoria. For more information, please check the law in your state or territory.

Do you need insurance to drive in Australia?

In Australia, you need insurance to drive a vehicle. This is because it is the law. Without insurance, you would be breaking the law and could be fined.


Overall, Australia’s driving laws are much stricter than those in the United States. For example, all drivers must carry a valid license and insurance at all times. Additionally, there are various speed limits and Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) limits that must be adhered to. If you are caught breaking any of these laws, you can expect to be heavily fined. So, if you’re planning on driving in Australia, make sure you familiarise yourself with the local laws first.

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